Swarm4Anom provides continuation of studies initialized with in-situ measurements of electron density obtained by the Langmuir Probe on-borad the CNES satellite DEMETER. Methodology for detection of WSA-like phenomena was introduced in the paper:
Seasonal trends of nighttime plasma density enhancements in the topside ionosphere
Detection of WSA-like phenomena is based on the introduced dimensionless index I_NDD (Normalized Density Difference Index)

I_NDD - indicator of an anomaly
About the index:
- It is assumed that I_NDD defined as a differential measure of in-situ electron density obtained in measurements separated by 12 hours (analogy to day/night).
- Under regular condition, negative values represent typical ionospheric behavior following diurnal cycle, while positive values should indicate possible nighttime enhancements.
- INDD is additionally normalized, therefore obtains values within the limits from, -1 to 1, making it easily adaptable parameter for comparison with other data sources.
- Applicability of the index for the detection of NPDEs depends on local times selection and effective separation of daytime and nighttime measurements.
- Nominal nighttime measurements are defined for local times (LT) in the range 20:00 - 07:00 ( LT derived for equatorial passing in the descending node) - For this type of registrations index is flagged with value '1'
- If for ascending node LT is beyond the range 20:00 - 07:00 - '-1' flag is used for interpretation.
The Swarm4Anom project is funded by the European Space Agency under contract: ESA Contract No. 4000112769/14/NL/FF/gp
Project was led by Space Research Centre PAS in cooperation with a start-up OBSEE