
Swarm4Anom in brief

Published results

Westward drift of the Weddell Sea Anomaly
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Published Results

Experimental Evidence of a Link Between Lightning and Magnetic Field Fluctuations observed by Swarm
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Final Report


Lightning Data description


TIEGCM output files description


Lightning Dataset

Successful cases are stored in the CDF format. Data can be accessed from the repository.

CDF files

Collection of QuickLook files depicting all types of registered fluctuations can be accessed here


TIEGCM Dataset

The TIEGCM output NetCDF files for various configurations of the magnetic field.

netCDF files

Index product

Swarm I_NDD index Dataset

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Lightning detection signatures

Key facts

The lightning-dedicated part of the project focuses on a causal relationship between lightning events and certain types of waveforms measured by the vector magnetometer onboard the Swarm satellites. This is the first direct experimental confirmation of a link between lightning and magnetic field fluctuations in the upper ionosphere in the ULF range. During the project a large number of cases was identified showing spatiotemporal correlation between lightning events and magnetic fluctuations measured by Swarm in the upper ionosphere.


The algorithm for automatic detection exploits:
• 50 Hz magnetic field readings of the Vector Field Magnetometer (VFM) (SW_MAGx_HR data)
• Auxiliary dataset of lightning activity derived from the Worldwide Lightning Location Network. At the current stage of the product, only low-resolution dataset is used.

The algorithm distinguished following steps:
1. Scalar field (F) is computed from three components provided in the NEC frame
2. Fourth order polynomial approximation is applied over 128 samples (5-second time interval) to remove the main trend and extract perturbed signal.
3. If the fluctuation level of the scalar field exceeds minimal threshold (setup at the level of δ F>0.16 nT) signal is flagged as possible response to the lightning event.
4. Simultaneously it is checked if auxiliary data indicate occurrence of lightning events along the satellite track within the specified radius (up to 5 degrees on both sides). If it is so, differentiated gaussian source pulse function is fitted to obtain a set of parameters characterizing detected fluctuation.
5. Quality of the fit determines whether the signal is saved as an evidence of the lightning triggered signal.
Modelling of Ionospheric Structures

Long-term Changes in The Ionosphere

Dwonload Videos

Selection of Videos derived from the TIEGCM model

Visualization of grid points for which the index INDD>0.1, illustrating mechanisms related to the WSA phenomenon and similar anomaly in the equatorial region. (Download zip files with movies...)

Visualization of the Swarm trajectory overplotted onto the distribution of the electron density.
Streamline tracking of simulated neutral wind over-plotted onto the distribution of the electron density. Similar visualizations are available for ExB drift.
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The Swarm4Anom project is funded by the European Space Agency under contract: ESA Contract No. 4000112769/14/NL/FF/gp